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Tag Archives: habits

The Self-Made Man

Most humans are born healthy, free of disease. No one sets out on the journey through life with designs on losing his or her health. On becoming obese. To spend the last half of life in a wheelchair. On dying prematurely. But these things are

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Aging Gracefully

Sitting on my balcony in downtown Denmark, WA, I watched a man cross the street. I would guess he was in his late sixties. He slowly shuffled, struggling to step up on the median curb. After gaining his balance, he stepped off the median curb

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Top 10 Lifelong Anti-Aging Habits

Habits. Your habits will either serve you or work against you. The choice is yours. Lifelong habits will either shape your life for the better or ultimately imprison you. Much like compound interest, time has a dramatic effect on how habits impact your life.  

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Longevity: The Ripe Old Age of 116

An article by the Associated Press caught my eye yesterday — a story about 116 year-old Emma Morano. She is the world’s oldest person and the only known person alive today born in the 1800s! 116 years old! She still lives alone in Verbania, a small

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Anti-Aging Outgunned

It’s a bloody tough job maintaining optimal health today. While there is more information available than ever before on any subject — including anti-aging, it has never been more difficult to practice anti-aging than it is today. Think about it. We’re surrounded by an environment full

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