COVID and The Anti-Ager
What could throw a monkey wrench into the longevity plans of an anti-ager more than a global pandemic? With world-wide deaths topping 5.2 million, one would think COVID-19 and doing whatever it takes to avoid it would be paramount in an anti-aging strategy. Including taking
Nutritional Supplements: Real Life Insurance
Life insurance is a contract between an insured [insurance policy holder] and an insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money [the “benefits”] upon the death of the insured person.” While most financial planners will recommend it prudent to buy this type of

Nutrition Matters
Nutrition is a critical element of the anti-aging lifestyle. Many people will turn to exercise to help lose weight or reduce body fat. But truth be told, you can’t out-exercise bad nutrition. Nutrition matters! The obesity epidemic has been full blown for decades. While declining