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Category Archives: Mindset

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy

I’m going to fail my exam. What happens if my company lays off staff and I’m one of them? I’m worried about my health. Are my kids safe? All of us worry about something sometimes. But how often does the thing we worry about happen —

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Who You Gonna Believe?

Scientific studies insist that artificial sweeteners are safe — Splenda and aspartame don’t pose a threat to human health. Others say that these products are neurotoxins and a serious threat to our well-being. Monsanto says GMO will save the planet by better feeding its ever-growing population.

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Prostate Cancer and Lifestyle: A True Story

Recently I came across a letter to the editor in our local newspaper I had to admire. We can all learn from this mindset when confronted with the adversity of disease. “Thirteen years ago, when I was 60, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. With

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10 Famous Quotes on Health

Below are some of my favourite quotes on health and anti-aging. Enjoy! “Your body is a machine for living. It is organized for that, it is its nature. Let life go on in it unhindered and let it defend itself, it will do more than

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