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Category Archives: Mindset

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I believe I’m getting too old for this

I hate soccer games that start at ten o’clock at night. By the time it ends and you get home, you are so wired you can’t sleep. So here I am writing my post. Sore from a tough game against a bunch of twenty- and

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You Only Get One Body. Cherish It.

He awoke to a piercing sound. “This is so annoying”, the man thought to himself. “It’s four in the morning. I’m tired. Why is the damn smoke detector going off?” He proceeds to pull out the chair from the desk in his room, hop up,

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Belief: The Marathon of Hope

How is the state of your health today? Are you overweight or obese — if you are, you have a lot of company — 74.1% of Americans and 61.1% of Canadians were in 2007. Guaranteed it’s worse today. Do you feel every day of your years? Your

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Napoleon Hill’s Guide to Anti-Aging

Monday. The start of a new week. You have 168 hours available to you until Sunday. How will you prioritise your time? Is health on your radar this week? Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the 20th century’s greatest books, said,

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Longevity: Getting into the Blue Zone

The average lifespan for an America born today is 78.93 years. Why is it then, so many people expire before this, yet others in a Blue Zone live into triple digits? The Blue Zone is a term used for geographical areas where demographics show extraordinary

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