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Who You Gonna Believe?

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Scientific studies insist that artificial sweeteners are safe — Splenda and aspartame don’t pose a threat to human health. Others say that these products are neurotoxins and a serious threat to our well-being.

Monsanto says GMO will save the planet by better feeding its ever-growing population. Others point out that no one knows the long-term effect GMO foods will have on our health.

Big Pharma says that cholesterol is the culprit in heart disease — and statins drugs are the saviour. Others say that inflammation, not cholesterol, is the primary cause of heart attacks.

The American Dental Association (ADA) says silver amalgams (fillings) are safe. Others claim they are nothing more than a mouth full of poison.

Public health officials tell us that fluoride in our water supply (and in our toothpaste) is actually good for us. Others say that fluoride is toxic and has no place in the human body.

Nutritional supplements are nothing more than expensive urine says a large percentage of the medical community. Others will swear by the benefits they have received as a result of supplementing their diets.

Who you gonna believe? Follow the money.

Does anyone think the ADA will ever admit that the mercury in silver amalgam is a serious health hazard? And risk massive lawsuits for misinforming the public for generations? Not a chance.

Is Big Pharma going to jeopardise $30 billion in annual statin drug sales to admit that it’s chasing parked cars by targeting cholesterol? Not in my lifetime.

When it comes to believing a huge multi-national conglomerate touting the safety of its products or credible science that questions it, I’ll take the door number two every time.

The bottom line is, you are responsible for you. You need to educate yourself and question the ‘experts’ in a world where profits often are more important that human lives.

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