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Vitamin D: Anti-Aging’s Secret Weapon?

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“When you consider all the facts, vitamin D may be our most under-appreciated and misunderstood anti-aging secret.” – Lyle MacWilliam, MSc, FP

For many years, it was thought vitamin D’s main benefit was its ability to assist in the body’s absorption of calcium.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

But oh, it does so much more!

It has a tremendous effect on the regulation of cell metabolism throughout the entire body. You have vitamin D receptors in all your body tissues. Vitamin D works with these receptors to facilitate many important physiological functions.

These same tissues have enzymatic mechanisms that produce activated vitamin D from reserves stored within these same tissues. This allows your body to instantly react to regulate abnormal cell growth.

Research is pointing more and more to vitamin D’s critical importance to the functioning of your body right down to your human genome — your DNA. There are only about 30,000 genes in your body and vitamin D has been shown to influence about 3,000 of them. So an adequate ‘on-board’ supply is critical to long-term health.

As Lyle MacWilliam reports in his book, NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements,

“The ability of vitamin D to regulate genetic expression and cellular homeostasis at so many levels is simply unparalleled. Working throughout the body and at the cellular level, vitamin can: improve fertility; safeguard pregnancy; reduce chronic inflammation; help control weight; protect against infectious agents; prevent strokes; prevent neurological disorders, including dementia; bolster our immune response; boost mental cognition; modulate heart function; and support muscle strength – all-in-all, not a bad day’s work!”

New research on vitamin D is pouring in these days. It’s almost unimaginable that this inexpensive steroidal hormone can have such a dramatic impact on your health. In fact, MacWilliam has devoted an entire chapter on vitamin D’s ability to have a positive effect specifically on cancer, heart disease, and immune dysfunction.

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