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The Skeletal System: Structural Support

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The skeletal system is your body’s framework, its structure. Composed originally of 270 bones at birth, you likely have 206 bones in total.

The skeletal system is divided into two parts: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.

Skeletal System

Skeletal System

Axial Skeleton

Consisting of 80 bones along the central axis of your body, the axial skeleton is formed by the skull, the vertebral column [backbone], and the thoracic cage [chest]. It also includes the ossicles of the middle ear and the hyoid bone of the throat.

The skull contains 22 bones plus another 7 associated in the head region, including the mandible [jaw].The vertebral column has 26 bones, including your vertebrae. There are another 25 bones in the thoracic cage. Its main purpose is to protect the heart and lungs.

It is the axial skeleton that maintains your body’s upright posture.

Appendicular Skeleton

There are 126 bones in the appendicular skeleton, including the bones of your limbs [arms and legs], the shoulder, and pelvic girdle. The two primary functions are to facilitate movement and to protect various major organs in the body.

Cross Section of Bone

Cross Section of Bone

We’ve all seen skeletons and bones in museums. They look hard and brittle. The bones that make up your skeleton are far from that. Your bones are formed by a matrix of connective tissue containing heavy deposits of calcium. They are an engineering marvel, constructed to be strong, flexible, and constantly regenerating.

Within the bones of the body is bone marrow. This is where the development of your blood cells takes place. Your bones release hormones that assist in the regulation of blood sugar and fats.

The skeletal system is serviced by many components that make them function optimally. Your joints occur where two bones come into contact. They may be separated by cartilage and often by fluid. They are reinforced for structural strength by ligaments and tendons.

Your skeletal system, like all the systems that make up the human body, works in conjunction with other systems to allow you to do so many of the things you can without any thought whatsoever. We truly inhabit a miraculous machine!

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