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The Effects of AGE-ing

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As discussed in yesterday’s post, Diet of the Modern AGEs, advanced glycogen end-products [AGEs] are a significant contributor to the aging process.

The sugar-rich western diet is the perfect storm for the creation of AGEs, particularly with the prevalence of food stuff containing high fructose corn syrup [HFCS] — yes, that means all you soda drinkers!

When AGEs are ingested, the body has a difficult time dealing with them through the digestion process. They are absorbed with only about 30% efficiency, meaning 70% of ingested AGEs are left to work their ‘magic’ on your innards.

The Effects of AGEs

The Effects of Advanced Glycogen End-Products

So just what do they do?

Your cardiovascular system is most profoundly impacted by AGEs. Think of them as the equivalent of putting sugar in the gas tank of your car — they gum up the system. Capillaries and blood vessels are plugged by the gooey mess.

This in turn damages your kidneys, eyes, brain, collagen, various nerve endings, and DNA. This means saggy skin, kidney damage, and a propensity for Alzheimer’s.

AGEs are particularly hard on anyone with diabetes.  Think about it. Most type II diabetes is the result of lifestyle choices — insulin resistance followed by metabolic syndrome to diabetes. A good part of this has to do with the consumption of high-glycemic foods — high sugar content.

What are the effects of diabetes on the human body? The single leading cause of non-accidental blindness, cardiovascular disease, neuropathy [sometimes resulting in the amputation of extremities] — all signs of the ravages of AGEs.

Very obviously AGEs are to be avoided as much as possible. They accelerate the aging process. They mess with your insides. They mess with your outward appearance. They’re just plum nasty.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss strategies for avoiding AGEs — a key anti-aging tactic.

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