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Tag Archives: inflammation

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Anti-Aging and 3 Common Foods to Avoid

No one said the road to anti-aging would be easy. Many want a lean body, to avoid disease, and to achieve optimal health. It’s within virtually everyone’s reach — within your reach. But are you ready to make the changes to attain it? Below are three

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The New Mantra: Eat Real Food

It was about 40 years ago the experts noted obesity was on the rise and decided dietary fats were the problem. So North Americans went on a ‘no fat’  kick. After all, it only makes sense — fats make you fat, therefore fats are evil. So

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Don’t Mess With Your Mind

Many years ago, my grandmother died of the ravages of Alzheimer’s. My family and I watched a vibrant, energetic ‘life of the party’ descend into what can only be described as a vegetative state. It was awful. Neurological disease — Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS — are horrific diseases

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The Skinny on Fats

Essential fatty acids [EFAs] are essential because the body cannot synthesise them — they must be provided from the foods we eat. Omega-3 and omega-6 are the two EFAs. Contrary to popular belief, omega-9 is not an EFA. All three omegas are Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids [PUFAs].

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The Arch-Enemy: Inflammation

While a critical and necessary part of our immune system, inflammation is the root cause of many chronic conditions that plague the modern western world. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis — all share chronic inflammation as a main ingredient. Cholesterol. The culprit of heart disease. Or

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