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Ready for the Next Pandemic?

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We continue to witness a shuttered world because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lives have been lost. Families have been devastated. Economies trashed. Businesses small and large gone forever.

As we welcomed the dawn of a new decade on the first of January 2020, no one could have foreseen the brutal year that lay ahead. Yet here we are. Most having spent a good part of the year clad in a mask and self-isolated, our world never again to see what was once our normal.

COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus is not a new thing. It has been with us many times over the past 50 years. But the coronavirus of 2020—COVID-19—has been the most damaging yet seen.

The Solution

We are about to embark on the mass-vaccination of the world. Companies and governments have been working at warp speed to produce a counterpunch to COVID-19. Many across the globe are waiting with bated breath for their turn at the inoculation.

As we do so, there is already news of a potential mutant version of COVID-19 making its way around Britain. From the little I know about coronavirus, I do understand it has many potential variants. Will this new strain take on a life of its own? Will the newly-developed vaccine work on this, too?

The Next Pandemic

If there is one sure-thing my crystal ball tells me, there will be another pandemic. Or several. All in my lifetime.

And today’s vaccination will offer no protection against the next one.

So whatcha gonna do to protect yourself during the next pandemic? Wait until its vaccine is discovered?

Most infuriating to me during this COVID-19 ordeal is also no surprise. Our experts—the health authorities of the world—have broadcast the same message ad infinitum: wash your hands, maintain a safe distance, wear a mask.

Pandemic Protection

Pandemic Protection

The same health experts who oversee government bodies that have led our world populations to staggering levels of obesity. Who, despite massive leaps in medical technologies, haven’t really put much of a dent in chronic disease.

What’s Wrong With Immunity?

As I have maintained all my adult life, “No one will ever invent or discover anything that heals the human body better than its God-given immune system.”

Why don’t our health experts embrace this? Why does no one talk immunity other than ‘herd immunity’ from vaccination?

No one will ever invent or discover anything that heals the human body better than its God-given immune system.

I don’t get it.

So what will you do to protect yourself against the next pandemic? Wait for the development of a new vaccine and hope you avoid catching the virus until it comes?

Or will you treat today’s COVID-19 as a warning shot across the bow and change your lifestyle to maximise the effectiveness of your body’s immune system?

I don’t have a concern about COVID-19 for my personal health. I will not vaccinate myself against it.

And I won’t lose any sleep over worrying about the next pandemic. My immune system will get me through it.

What about you?

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