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Prostate Cancer and Lifestyle: A True Story

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Recently I came across a letter to the editor in our local newspaper I had to admire. We can all learn from this mindset when confronted with the adversity of disease.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

“Thirteen years ago, when I was 60, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. With surgery I had the risk of becoming impotent and incontinent. If I chose radiation I could possibly add fecal incontinence. I could not face the possibility of living with these side-effects. I chose alternative therapy instead.

I quit eating beef. I quit eating dairy. I cut out fatty foods. I quit eating sugar-based products. Cancer just loves sugar. I took supplements to boost my immune system. I was a party smoker. I quit that. I started taking long walks for exercise. When I told the urologist what I chose to do, he questioned my sanity.

I am happy with my decision because I have been able to lead a normal life without the horrible side-effects that usually come with the traditional treatment options. The incontinence and the impotence will no doubt happen eventually without me rushing into it.

I am happy I had a PSA test because without it I would not have changed my lifestyle. Unfortunately, some men who have PSA tests and are diagnosed with prostate cancer over-react and have it treated immediately without researching the disease. Prostate cancer is generally a very slow growing disease. Most men will die with it rather than from it. I think doctors should make a point of stressing that point more than they do.”

Lifestyle. He changed his lifestyle. Coupled with a tremendous attitude, he has maintained quality of life. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer just over ten years ago. He opted for the traditional treatment — a radical prostatectomy. Today, he has some of the symptoms mentioned above and his quality of life has indeed suffered. Dad told me not two months ago that he regrets his decision and wished he had waited before electing for surgery.

Lifestyle and the choices we make every day relating to our health are critical. Why not make the right choices today before getting a diagnosis that can change your life?

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