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It’s Not The How, It’s The Why

I’m an optimist. While I think that we humans are likely the unhealthiest we’ve been in the history of mankind, I feel we have reached a tipping point. We have arrived at a place where enough people know there are serious health problems that need

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Anti-Aging Ball in Your Court

You are responsible for you. For the quality of your health. For the prospect of a long, happy life free from heart disease, cancer, and other chronic degenerative diseases. For successful anti-aging. While getting old is inevitable, being old is not. Choose to be the

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Aging Gracefully

Sitting on my balcony in downtown Denmark, WA, I watched a man cross the street. I would guess he was in his late sixties. He slowly shuffled, struggling to step up on the median curb. After gaining his balance, he stepped off the median curb

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Commit to becoming a lifelong devotee to a lifestyle that promotes longevity. Commit to the habits that lead down the road to anti-aging. Commit to continuous learning about what serves you and what doesn’t. Or life will commit you to live too short or die

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Top 10 Lifelong Anti-Aging Habits

Habits. Your habits will either serve you or work against you. The choice is yours. Lifelong habits will either shape your life for the better or ultimately imprison you. Much like compound interest, time has a dramatic effect on how habits impact your life.