Mindset is the first and most important ingredient in The MEANS to an End Lifestyle. The right anti-aging mindset is needed to make the other four components work. Without it, none of the other four actions will sustain themselves over the long-term. The Anti-Aging MindsetReady for the Next Pandemic?
We continue to witness a shuttered world because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lives have been lost. Families have been devastated. Economies trashed. Businesses small and large gone forever. As we welcomed the dawn of a new decade on the first of January 2020, no oneMindset: Tomorrow ≠ Today
Proud baby boomer? Are you kidding? Getting old sucks. I’m slowing down. I forget things. This damn heart condition. And I need a new hip. What’s to like about this aging thing? Billions are spent on finding the cure for disease. Everything we should andMy Life Expectancy: Less Than Twenty Years Left?
I only have eighteen years left to live. That’s it. My life expectancy. According to the most recent data, the life expectancy of a typical Canadian male is age 80. In the US, it’s even less—76 years. Given it’s my birthday this month, I have