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A Blood-y Good Post

We’ve all heard about it, seen it, donated it — but what is in blood? What is it made up of? “Blood is a suspension of red and white blood cells, platelets, proteins, and chemicals in a straw-coloured fluid called plasma.” You have about 10 pints

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Longevity: Getting into the Blue Zone

The average lifespan for an America born today is 78.93 years. Why is it then, so many people expire before this, yet others in a Blue Zone live into triple digits? The Blue Zone is a term used for geographical areas where demographics show extraordinary

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Feeling Guilty, But No Apology

Many of my posts contain ‘negative’ information — the dangers of GMO’s, EMF’s, deodorants, farmed salmon. I sometimes hesitate to write these. “Too much negativity”, I tell myself. Since I started this blog, I have spent a lot time researching health. I have learned so much

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Your Amazing Duodenum

The duodenum is a relatively unknown part of your body that plays a critical role in the digestion process. It is located in your lower gastrointestinal [GI] tract. It is the next stage into which food digested by the stomach passes — the first of three

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Avoidance: The Unfortunate Reality

In this day and age, the anti-ager has no choice but to become a practitioner of avoidance. We live in a toxic cradle. We are constantly exposed to chemicals — over 75,000 introduced into the environment in the past 60 years. Over time, these toxins take