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You Only Get One Body. Cherish It.

He awoke to a piercing sound. “This is so annoying”, the man thought to himself. “It’s four in the morning. I’m tired. Why is the damn smoke detector going off?” He proceeds to pull out the chair from the desk in his room, hop up,

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Death by Supplements, Death by Medicine

I have read over the past few years that legislation in the U.S is simmering that could affect your ability to freely purchase nutritional supplements. That’s right. An element of the U.S. government with a significant push from the Big Pharma lobby, would require you

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Belief: The Marathon of Hope

How is the state of your health today? Are you overweight or obese — if you are, you have a lot of company — 74.1% of Americans and 61.1% of Canadians were in 2007. Guaranteed it’s worse today. Do you feel every day of your years? Your

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Pain or Pleasure… It’s Your Choice

It’s been said by many a psychologist that most people will do more to avoid pain than to seek pleasure. If that’s true, the anti-ager has so many reasons to avoid pain — both literally and figuratively. We’ve all seen the opposite ends of the spectrum

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Anti-Aging by Anti-AGE-ing

Advanced glycogen end-products [AGEs] are sometimes the product of your body’s normal metabolic process. But more often than not, they are in our system due to dietary choices. Cooking methodology creates AGEs in food products. Foods cooked at high temperatures without water — frying, roasting, grilling —