Sleep & DST
Much of the Northern Hemisphere is about to undergo its biannual sleep disruption. This Sunday in North America, later this month in other parts, we’ll lose an hour of sleep. An already slumber-deprived populace is subjected to this every spring—Daylight Savings Time (DST). Why? Many
Avoidance is the third ingredient in The MEANS to an End Lifestyle. It is the most overlooked of its five components. Death is an inevitability, at least given today’s scientific landscape. But there are many aspects of daily living and modern society of which we must beware.
Your Doctor and Anti-Aging
Doctors take a lot of heat from the ‘natural crowd’. Pill pushers. Too quick with a scalpel. Treat the symptom not the problem. I have to admit I have often thought these things myself. And I do think there is an element of the medical