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Defining Age

I remember when I was young — in grade school, my grandparents would look after us when my folks were away on business trips. My grandparents were old and slowing down back then. They were also ten years younger than I am today. In my teens, I’d read

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Anti-Aging: Use It or Lose It

I remember when I was six, Glen Perkins pushed me down a hill and I broke my arm. On went a cast for a number of weeks. I remember when the doctor sawed it off, how skinny my arm looked. I was only six and was

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5 Myths About Food

Inaccurate information. Old wives’ tales. Plum stupid. Here are five myths about the health benefits [or not] of foods. Fruit Juice is a Healthy Choice What better way to start the day than with a glass of freshly poured orange juice? There are many. Fruit

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Deciding vs. Doing

Five birds are sitting on a telephone wire. Two decide to fly across town. How many are left? Most people would say three. Actually, all five are left. Two decided to fly away but actually didn’t get around to doing it. Deciding isn’t the same