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54.7 Kilometres of Anti-Aging Bliss

What an outstanding day, today! It’s hard to beat a sunny, warm fall day in our part of the world. It started with my favourite soccer team winning its game. AS Roma in Italy’s Serie A is undefeated so far this season — one of

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The Anti-Aging List of Nevers

The saying goes that most things are good in moderation. In the anti-aging world, that just isn’t true. The following is a list of items that should NEVER be consumed or done. Ever. Avoid them like the plague. Artificial Sweeteners: Splenda, Equal, NutriSweet, Sweet-N-Low, Twin

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The Science of Telomeres

The science of aging is truly in its infancy. The next decade will see huge discoveries made about what causes your body to age, what we can do to better minimise chronic disease, and how the odds of living to the age of 100 and beyond

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Sitting: The Killer Habit

Most of us do this every day. It ages us. It slows us down. Not even regular exercise counteracts its effect. Sitting. Yup, plain old sitting. Sitting in front of a computer at work all day long. Sitting in front of the TV. As a