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Anti-Aging and 3 Common Foods to Avoid

No one said the road to anti-aging would be easy. Many want a lean body, to avoid disease, and to achieve optimal health. It’s within virtually everyone’s reach — within your reach. But are you ready to make the changes to attain it? Below are three

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Aging: Biological v. Chronological

You blow out the candles on your birthday cake and you’re another year older. The years stack on as time marches relentlessly. That’s chronological aging. But what about biological aging. We’ve all met someone who reveals his age and we’re shocked he’s that old. Or

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The New Mantra: Eat Real Food

It was about 40 years ago the experts noted obesity was on the rise and decided dietary fats were the problem. So North Americans went on a ‘no fat’  kick. After all, it only makes sense — fats make you fat, therefore fats are evil. So

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Chromosomes and Your Biology

Before we dive into the science of telomeres and telomerase, it is important to understand how they fit in human biology. Cells are the basic building block of your body; it has trillions of them. Each cell contains a nucleus, the command centre for the cell.

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Anti-Aging: Telomeres and Immortality

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” This now debunked quote is attributed to Charles Duell, the commissioner of the United States Patent and Trademark Office from 1898 to 1901. As much as I love the quote, had it actually been said — over 110