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Nutrition: A Key Role in Anti-Aging

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Is nutrition important to anti-aging? The obvious answer is, yes. But it is in so many ways. Future posts will delve extensively into nutrition. They will explore the complexity on how optimal nutrition and good eating habits can help in the fight with the aging process.



But what are the basics of sound nutrition? Here are some important ones.

  • Spend most of your grocery money on products picked up from the outer perimeter of the store. The inner shelves are mostly stocked with processed, chemical-filled foods;
  • Eat lean proteins with every meal along with a serving or two of fruits and veggies — with an emphasis on veggies;
  • Eat the rainbow! Lots of colour on your plate generally means more nutrients in the food [and no, Fruit Loops don’t count!];
  • Incorporate healthy fats into your meal plan every day;
  • Eat foods high on the alkaline scale. The typical western diet is high in acid content. An acidic body is prone to disease. Learn the difference between acidic and alkaline foods;
  • Eat low glycemic foods. High glycemic foods are a huge contributing factor in today’s obesity and diabetes epidemics. Know the difference;
  • High fibre foods need to be a daily part of a healthy diet;
  • Supplementation is a must, especially a high quality multi-vitamin/mineral. In today’s toxic and nutrient-depleted world, our immune systems need all the help they can get!

Live by these points alone would take most people in the right direction in quality aging!

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