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Napoleon Hill’s Guide to Anti-Aging

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Monday. The start of a new week. You have 168 hours available to you until Sunday. How will you prioritise your time? Is health on your radar this week?

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the 20th century’s greatest books, said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill

While he was referring to achieving success in business, he really was talking about a philosophy that works in many aspects of personal life, including health and anti-aging.

Life is busy today. Technology hasn’t brought about the shorter work week and smaller workload anticipated at the onset of the computer revolution. It’s brought about a continuous raising of the bar. More work. Faster pace. More stress.

How is it that some people live life in a whirlwind — stressed to the max, fast food or microwaved dinners, too tired to take time for themselves and their health? Then others have balance — the same hectic work-life but somehow time is made to prepare the home-cooked meals and to get in that 30-minute run?

I think it’s all about conceiving and believing.

Conceive: To form or develop in the mind; devise; to form or hold an idea.

Believe: To have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

If you can wrap your head around the fact that regardless of your age, personal circumstances, or present state of health you can improve the quality of your remaining years. And if you truly believe you can accomplish this — then achieve it you shall.

Once you have figured out the ‘why’ your need to make health a bigger priority in your life, the ‘how’ you go about doing it will fall into place.

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