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It’s Not The How, It’s The Why

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I’m an optimist. While I think that we humans are likely the unhealthiest we’ve been in the history of mankind, I feel we have reached a tipping point. We have arrived at a place where enough people know there are serious health problems that need to be addressed, and they will be.

Diabetes, heart disease, cancer. The list of chronic diseases so prevalent today is extensive. Obesity is a global epidemic. Our environment is polluted at never-seen-before levels. Health care costs and an aging population are placing an unprecedented burden on governments and tax payers the world over.

How do you play a part in the solution to these global problems?



Answers to this abound. The internet has given the average person in any country in the world access to information with solutions to virtually any problem.

Want to lose weight? Learn more about high glycemic foods and your digestive system. Find a program, a mentor, or products online and have at it.

Never really exercised before but want to start? Google is your friend. Find a program that fits your age, state of health, or lifestyle.

Want to know what foods are best for you? What sources of toxins you want to avoid? How do you best deal with stress?

Ask any of these questions and the answers are there to find.

But despite all this information, two-thirds of North Americans are obese or overweight. Chronic disease is still rampant. Coke and Pepsi continue to sell mountains of high fructose corn syrup, GMO–laced crap.


Because not enough people ask themselves the right question – why?

Why is your health important? Why is being at your ideal weight a key to your quality of life?

Better yet, why is it so critical that you live an anti-aging lifestyle?

Why do you want to be around to see your kids get married? Would you like to experience the joys of being a grandparent? Why is it your mission to add as many years as possible to this incredible thing called ‘your life’?

Find the answers to these questions and the results will come.  Answer them and you can restore your health, lose the weight, and turn back the clock.

If enough of us do this and encourage others to join, the world will indeed be a better place — and you will have a much better place in it.

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