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Immune Systems and the Perfect Storm

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Do you think life has changed in the past four generations — say since WWII? Have these changes affected our health?

The end of the war saw the beginning of the fertilizer era in farming. This radically changed farming practices. This led to today’s depleted soils — soils that no longer contain the nutrients they did when my grandparents were growing up. And if it isn’t in the soil, it’s not in the food we eat.

Estimates are over 75,000 new chemical compounds have been introduced since WWII. Today our bodies are bombarded by chemicals of all kinds. Plastics, household and industrial cleaners, pesticides, food additives. We live in a toxic world — a world that poisons our immune systems.

When I was a kid, we played outside every day. We ran, tumbled, wrestled, played catch, soccer every recess. Mom would plead for us to come in for dinner. Today’s kids get their workout playing EA Sports Football 2015 on their Xbox. Even adults moved more back then. They walked, there were more physically demanding jobs. Today we sit behind a desk with a computer screen and take the car everywhere.

The result? Look at today’s obesity and type II diabetes epidemics — nearly 100% created by lifestyle choices. The human and financial cost to society is and will continue to be staggering.

Think stress levels today are greater than those of even a generation ago? You bet. Stress is leading contributor to disease. Double income families. Single parent families. Recession. Keeping up with the Joneses. Our fast-paced world. Stress is at an all-time high. That takes its toll on our bodies.

Nutrient-depleted, highly processed foods. Environmental toxicity. Lack of exercise. Sky-high stress levels.

The perfect storm and our immune systems are in the eye of the hurricane.

What can we do about this perfect storm?

Like I have said for many years,

“No one will ever invent or discover anything that will heal the human body better than our God-given immune system.”

The key to anti-aging: give your immune system the ammunition it needs to fight this onslaught and you can significantly increase the chance of living a long, quality life.

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