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COVID and The Anti-Ager

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What could throw a monkey wrench into the longevity plans of an anti-ager more than a global pandemic? With world-wide deaths topping 5.2 million, one would think COVID-19 and doing whatever it takes to avoid it would be paramount in an anti-aging strategy. Including taking the vaccine. Especially for someone creeping into his mid-sixties.

Turns out I have been doing whatever it takes to avoid the ravages of COVID. It started 50 years ago with choices. Choices I made and continue to make to keep the host of my existence (my physical body) battle ready. Mindset. Exercise. Avoidance. Nutrition. Sleep. Supplementation. Doing whatever it takes to make me resilient to the stresses of modern living—including that of today’s pandemic.

But why not add the COVID vaccine to my arsenal to protect me from contracting COVID-19? As of this week, 86% of Canadians and almost 70% of Americans over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated; 89% of Canadians and 80% of Americans have had the first shot.1  Why not me?

The JabHere’s why I’ve decided to NOT take the vaccine.

These are the main principles guiding my life as it relates to health:

      1. No one will ever discover and invent anything that heals the human body better than our God-given immune system.
      2. The only person responsible for the quality of your health is you.
      3. Mindset is the main key to overall health. Belief in a healthy, robust future is essential. Living in fear, stress, and isolation is not good for health, COVID or no COVID.

How has my belief in these principles guided me through the past 22+ months of COVID with zero fear of this purported deadly virus?


Paramount in my decision to not vaccinate is trust. I trust my belief system and the past fifty years dedicated to my health. I absolutely do NOT trust governments, health authorities, or Big Pharma.

“A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them.

― P.J. O’Rourke

There has been no avoiding COVID since January 2020. Information has been non-stop. Truths. Lies. Truths that turned out not to be true. Lies that turn out to be true. The only truth I believe is that there are far more unknowns than knowns about COVID.

Take its origin. Some say it came from nature, bats to be precise. Perhaps through an intermediary. Yet despite extensive searching, none of this can be verified. Some say it came out of a lab, a conspiracy. Man-made. But this, too, cannot be substantiated. The truth? We don’t know. And we may never know the origin of COVID.

Trust the Numbers?

How about over five plus million deaths? Proof of COVID’s lethal nature? How can I not be concerned about the danger of COVID?

My question is, how many people truly died of COVID and COVID alone?

How many of the 5.2 million deaths were people with zero pre-existing conditions? My guess? A tiny percentage.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the US confirms this in its 31 March 2021 report on COVID death certificates issued in 2020:

Among 378,048 death certificates from 2020 listing COVID-19, 5.5% listed COVID-19 without codes for any other conditions. Among 357,133 death certificates with at least one other condition, 97% had a co-occurring diagnosis of a plausible chain-of-event condition (e.g., pneumonia or respiratory failure), or a significant contributing condition (e.g., hypertension or diabetes), or both.

Did anyone healthy with no co-morbidities die from COVID? Of course. There are always outliers.

The Real Number of COVID Deaths?

Let’s take the Government of Canada’s COVID numbers as reported on 25 November 2021 (see Table 1). Let’s use the CDC number of 5.5% of COVID deaths attributable to COVID alone. Only 1,628 people have died of COVID with no co-morbidities in all Canada since the pandemic began. Less than 43 out of every million people in Canada died from COVID and COVID alone.

And for that, the government shutdown the economy for long stretches and imposed restrictions on all Canadians. They destroyed businesses, ran up massive debt, and effectively instilled fear and divisiveness across the country.

The same thing happened in virtually all developed countries across the planet.

COVID in Canada

Table 1

As a healthy individual, I’ll take those odds all day long. I’ll bet my immunity against COVID.

COVID is a high risk for people who are obese. For smokers. People with compromised immune systems. For the elderly. Anyone falling is these categories should rightfully be afraid of COVID. And they will be far and away the highest percentage of the population to succumb to COVID.

Governments and various health authorities want us to believe over 5.2 million people have died from COVID. True?

With COVID, maybe. From COVID? Not a chance.

Bottom line: if you have no pre-existing condition(s) and are of reasonably good health—regardless of age—you have a miniscule risk of dying from COVID.

Trust the Vaccine?

How about the vaccine? Is it the miracle of science many tout it to be? Does it work? Is it safe, free of potential side effects?

First, we need to understand what a vaccine is and its intended purpose. I’ve always understood the purpose of vaccination is to give immunity to a particular disease. Get vaccinated for measles and you can no longer get measles.

How is the COVID vaccine doing?

Can COVID infect a fully vaccinated person? Yes. Can he or she acquire, host, and pass on COVID to someone else? Yes. Can he or she still die from COVID? Absolutely.

So, the COVID vaccine doesn’t really fit the definition of a vaccine. It doesn’t provide immunity to COVID.

Vaccines Redefined

But no problem for the CDC. Why? They’ve recently changed its definition of a vaccine—they gave it a makeover:

The CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” Miami Herald 27 September 2021

How accommodating. Today, a vaccine it is.

To answer the question: how is the vaccine doing? I’ll answer back with a question. If it was doing its job with a vaccination rate of over 86% of people in Canada, how can the country be on the brink of a fourth (or fifth, I’ve lost count) wave?

It’s the unvaccinated, we’re told. They are the ones filling the hospitals. I call bullshit.

It’s the variants. The virus is mutating. Here comes another onslaught.

No kidding. There are new variants of the influenza every flu season. We hear about them every year. Why would COVID be any different? It’s a virus and viruses mutate. Big Pharma has set the table for a cash cow annuity, fueled by fear in the media and by governments.

Bottom line: at an 86% vaccination rate, if the vaccine works, how can hospitals be in danger of overloading at anywhere close to the levels they were at the onset of COVID?

Is the Vaccine Safe?

How about the safety of the COVID vaccine? The speedy approval of the vaccine for younger and younger people? The green light given for boosters?

I’m not going to delve into the science of mRNA technology and the fact it has not been proven safe or effective in the ten years it’s been in development. But two areas are of concern.

First, this vaccine was fast-tracked at warp speed through the approval processes of governments around the world. As an emergency approval. Then as officially approved by bodies such as Health Canada and the FDA in the US. All based on tests of safety and efficacy done by the pharmaceutical manufacturers themselves. The fox guarding the henhouse that seems of concern to no one.

Second, how can we be sure these vaccines don’t have long term adverse effects on human biology?

The answer: we can’t.

The Jab and Human Biology

The study of human biology and microbiology—the inner workings of the miracle called the human body—is in its infancy. There is so little we know about our make-up. A hundred years from now, people will look back at how we treat chronic diseases like cancer and shake their heads in disbelieve at our naivety and ignorance. Much like we do today on how leaches, doses of mercury, and bloodletting were standards of treatment centuries ago.

So, these Big Pharma companies—Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna—they who have created nine billionaires over the course of COVID and have manufactured a product free of any retribution or liability—know without a doubt no harm will come to human biology from this vaccine? The world isn’t their oyster. It’s their guinea pig.

Big Pharma: “The world isn’t their oyster. It’s their guinea pig.”

– Bill Marr, The Anti-Aging Guy

Why doesn’t the mainstream media report on scientific opinion offered like this or this? Watch them both—less than 20 minutes in total for a different scientific take on the vaccine. I’m not saying either of these videos are 100% accurate in what they report. But what if they are? What if they are even 50% correct? And who says our government officials, medical experts, and Big Pharma executives touting the safety and effectiveness are right. What if THEY are wrong?

What if this is the tip of the iceberg in adverse reactions to the vaccine?

Adverse Effects to the COVID Vaccine?

Have you heard much in the media about adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine? Not likely. But drill down on the US government’s own website, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and find reporting of massive numbers of adverse reactions due to the jab.

According to data released on the VAERS website on 12 November 2021, since December 2020 and the introduction to the COVID vaccine, the following is attributed to its administration (US Data only):

The COVID Vaccine & VAERS

The Adverse Effects of the COVID Vaccine

The Teflon COVID Vaccine

VAERS has tracked these numbers since 1991. The number of deaths reported for all vaccines up until the release of the COVID vaccine was 5,188. The COVID vaccine has caused 67% more deaths than has been caused by all vaccines in the past 30 years.

Think about this. Recall any ad on TV for a pharmaceutical medication. A good 20 seconds is devoted to describing potential contraindications. Now look at the above documented adverse events caused by the COVID vaccine. And nobody knows about these? No disclaimer is required before its administration to anyone?

The pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer marketed a drug called Baycol from 1998 – 2001. After it was found to have led to 52 deaths worldwide (and 31 in the US), this FDA-approved drug was pulled from the market. The COVID vaccine has 8,664 deaths attributed to it in the US alone in a 12-month period and nothing?

For illustrative purposes here’s a comparison of the risks of the flu shot vs. the COVID vaccine. And we’re told the jab is safe.

Vaccination Risks of COVID vs. Flu

Risk Too High and Too Low

I’ve spent a lot of time learning about COVID and its effects on the body. My decision to forego the vaccine was a simple one. A review of the evidence makes the decision to vaccinate a risk too high.

My health? I’m good. I don’t need Frankenscience to slap me with a condition out of the blue as it’s done to so many.

I’m not going to put my health in the hands of Big Pharma or government. They don’t care about me or my health. Nor you or yours.

Big Pharma only cares about profits and addicting as many people as possible to its products. For life if it can get away with it. Think boosters.

Governments are all about optics. Politicians change with the wind and put their trust in the “science” of health authorities deep in the pockets of Big Pharma. The media does them both a favour by fanning the fear.

Should I be infected with COVID, the odds of me dying are 0.00092% 2. And I’ll bet, somewhat arrogantly, I am healthier than most healthy people and my odds are even lower. My downside risk is too low for me to contemplate the vaccine.

Think and Do What’s Right For You

I urge everyone to think. Don’t blindly accept the spews of mainstream media. Don’t buy into the lies Big Pharma has been feeding a prescription-addicted society for generations. Take the facts handed down by our government officials and health authorities with a grain of salt. They truly don’t care about your health a fraction as much as you should care about your own.

Everyone is entitled to do what they think is right for them. Information like that above, this, and my inherent distrust of government, media, and Big Pharma are reasons for me to say no to the jab.

I’ll continue to live my healthy lifestyle. I respect those opting for the vaccine—one of my children has done so.

Sure, I’m angry I can’t cross the provincial border to visit my 86 year-old mother without self-isolating for two weeks. I’ve seen her once for a few hours since my daughter’s wedding in July 2020.

I don’t think it fair I’m denied entry to the US to visit close friends, missing the wedding of one of their children we’ve known since birth.

If I were a vaccinated but obese, smoking, hard-drinking guy with diabetes and a heart condition, I’d be good to travel. Or attend events in public. Or play soccer with my buddies.

But I can’t. How that makes sense in the eyes of the world is baffling to me.

Am I alone? Anybody else, vaccinated or not, see the absurdity in this logic?

  1. US Data: CDC Covid Data tracker | Canada data: Health Canada on 26 November 2021
  2. From Table 1: 1,628 deaths with no co-morbidities divided by the 1,777,186 Total COVID cases in Canada.
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