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Category Archives: Know Your Body

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A Blood-y Good Post

We’ve all heard about it, seen it, donated it — but what is in blood? What is it made up of? “Blood is a suspension of red and white blood cells, platelets, proteins, and chemicals in a straw-coloured fluid called plasma.” You have about 10 pints

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Your Amazing Duodenum

The duodenum is a relatively unknown part of your body that plays a critical role in the digestion process. It is located in your lower gastrointestinal [GI] tract. It is the next stage into which food digested by the stomach passes — the first of three

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Drinking Water is Bad for You

Drinking pure, clean water is a must for the anti-ager. But not always. Proper digestion is key to the optimal extraction of nutrients from the food you eat. Your stomach needs a highly acidic pH level of 1.9 for this to happen. Simple middle school

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Love Your Liver

Your liver and its health are critical to anti-aging. It plays many important roles, including: Detoxification Assist in controlling blood sugar levels Assist in metabolisation of fats Detoxification in the liver happens in a two-part process. These processes are adversely affected by the inadequate lifestyle

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Liver of Lard

Most are aware of the twin epidemics affecting the world today — obesity and type II diabetes. There is a third unsung partner joining them in ravaging the health of millions: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD]. It is estimated that over 30 million Americans have NAFLD.

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