Category Archives: Avoidance

EMFs: A Silent Danger in Your Home
According to Wikipedia, “An electromagnetic field (EMF) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behaviour of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the

Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors
More and more, The MEANS to an End Lifestyle™ is getting the attention it deserves. The least recognised of its five pillars and one of the unfortunate realities of the world today is the ‘A’ in MEANS — Avoidance. Chemicals are everywhere around us, often in places we least suspect.

Beauty To Die For
Since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs, people, mostly women, have been using cosmetics to enhance their beauty. You have to admit that a well made-up face is quite attractive. The cosmetics industry is huge. Thumb through the pages of Vogue or People Magazine and

The Anti-Aging List of Nevers
The saying goes that most things are good in moderation. In the anti-aging world, that just isn’t true. The following is a list of items that should NEVER be consumed or done. Ever. Avoid them like the plague. Artificial Sweeteners: Splenda, Equal, NutriSweet, Sweet-N-Low, Twin