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Book Review: The World’s Healthiest Foods

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I hadn’t heard of George Mateljan until about a month ago. George is a renowned expert on healthy foods, cooking, and lifestyle.

The book, The World’s Healthiest Foods, is a colossus — 880 pages thick! As the sub-title says, it is really an ‘essential guide for the healthiest way of eating’.

The World's Healthiest Foods

The World’s Healthiest Foods

Not only does it rate and describe what he considers to be the most nutritious foods on the planet, the book is full of copious information about food.

George talks about the Healthiest Way of Eating Plan — how to incorporate the world’s healthiest foods into your diet. He details the best way to cook foods in the most healthful way.

He dedicates a section on how the human body works and depends on quality foods for a healthy body.

Then comes the real meat of the book — over 600 pages on the top 100 healthiest foods. Each food is analysed in detail:

  • Highlights of the food — seasonality, different varieties, why it gets a top 100 rating
  • The best way to select the food
  • The best way to store the food
  • The best preparation methods
  • The healthiest way to cook it
  • The health benefits
  • Great recipes to try

After a section on how foods affect individuals differently and how to determine which are the best ones for you, he includes over 30 chapters on individual nutrients — from antioxidants to zinc — and which foods are the best source for each.

The book finishes with a section titled, “Healing with the World’s Healthiest Foods”. What foods are essential for each condition, what foods are supportive, and what you need to avoid.

Throughout the book, George has used a rating system to score each of the top 100 foods. His top 3:

  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Crimini mushrooms

Though I have just started exploring this book, I have already found it invaluable. This masterpiece, The World’s Healthiest Foods, is a must for the bookshelf or kitchen of any anti-ager.

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