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Baby Boomers Bomb

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A recent report in the Montreal Gazette doesn’t bode well for baby boomers. Despite all the advances in medical science over the past forty years, boomers aren’t as healthy as their parents. The reason: lifestyle choices. Today’s quick fix society has led to this sobering news:

“Baby boomers live longer, but aren’t as healthy as their parents, stated an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association – Internal Medicine (JAMA).

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers

The report comes from a research team out of the West Virginia School of Medicine who analysed health data from both generations. What they found was surprising considering the improvements in medicine since the end of the World War II.

Boomers, who are between 47 and 64 years old, are fatter, less active, drink more, and are more likely to have mobility problems compared to the previous generation. They also have a higher incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.

The good news for the post war generation is that they are less likely to smoke which means fewer cases of emphysema. They also suffer fewer heart attacks. Cancer, on the other hand, has stayed relatively stable from one generation to the next.

Why so little improvement in health among boomers, despite better medication and advances in medical care? Obesity and inactivity could be the culprit. More than half (52%) of baby boomers reported they don’t exercise at all, compared to 17.4% of their parent’s generation. And obesity rates have risen from 29.4% to 38.7%.

The most important message here is that pills and medical breakthroughs can’t overcome the negative consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle – something all generations need to keep in mind.”

We keep hearing it again and again — and it’s a message worth repeating: Lifestyle choices are critical in determining our long-term quality of life. Choose wisely or suffer [literally] the consequences.

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