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Avoidance: The Unfortunate Reality

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In this day and age, the anti-ager has no choice but to become a practitioner of avoidance. We live in a toxic cradle. We are constantly exposed to chemicals — over 75,000 introduced into the environment in the past 60 years.

Over time, these toxins take their toll on your body and mine. Avoidance is the number one strategy for minimising the effects of these chemicals on our health long-term.



No one gets lung cancer from smoking one cigarette, even one pack. You likely wouldn’t get it from smoking a pack a day for a month or two.

But smoke regularly over time and you significantly increase the odds of getting something, be it emphysema, heart disease, or lung cancer. And the more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the worse your chance of paying the price.

It’s with this same logic you need to practice avoidance. This doesn’t mean you never consume or use a product or substance that isn’t good for your body. It simply means you avoid it to the best of your ability.

Here’s a laundry list of things where avoidance is best practice for the anti-ager:

GMO foods
High glycemic foods
Electric magnetic forces (EMFs)
Non-stick coated cookware
Microwave ovens
Alcoholic beverages
Aluminium antiperspirants
Couch potato-ing
Processed foods
Large ocean fish
Tap water
Household cleaners (non-organic)
Artificial scents
Commercially-raised meats
Cured meats
Excess sun exposure
Fast food
Silver dental amalgam
Prescription medications
Farmed fish











Do your best and reap the rewards over the next 20, 30, 50 years.


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