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Anti-Aging: Wear Gloves

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Readers of these posts will recognise MEANS, my acronym for the keys to anti-aging:

M            Mindset

E              Exercise

A             Avoidance

N             Nutrition

S              Sleep

Sometimes incorporating strategies to promote anti-aging is simple and inexpensive. Like this avoidance tip: wear gloves.

Wear Gloves

Wear Gloves

We know it from nicotine and birth control patches. Anything that gets on your skin quickly gets into your blood stream. We have to be careful about this simple fact.

Think of all the things you will do this weekend that might involve working with something around the house. Some sort of chemical.

Using household cleaners as part of your weekend chores? Doing a bit of painting? Cutting the grass and filling up your mower with gasoline — ever done that without spilling a drop?

Paint. Acetone. Petroleum-based products. Household cleaners. Any of these chemicals that get on your skin will be in your bloodstream in less than 30 minutes. You don’t want that. Your cells don’t want that.

Wear gloves and you prevent much of that from happening.

Wear gloves. It’s a habit, a habit of avoidance. A habit of the anti-ager.

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