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Category Archives: Nutrition

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The New Mantra: Eat Real Food

It was about 40 years ago the experts noted obesity was on the rise and decided dietary fats were the problem. So North Americans went on a ‘no fat’  kick. After all, it only makes sense — fats make you fat, therefore fats are evil. So

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Vitamin D: You Are Likely Deficient

If you search the internet, the numbers vary. From 30% to upwards of 80% of us are vitamin D deficient. I would argue that it would be 75% or more if an optimal vitamin serum level of 50 – 70 ng/ml were used in the

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Vitamin D: Anti-Aging’s Secret Weapon?

“When you consider all the facts, vitamin D may be our most under-appreciated and misunderstood anti-aging secret.” – Lyle MacWilliam, MSc, FP For many years, it was thought vitamin D’s main benefit was its ability to assist in the body’s absorption of calcium. But oh,

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The Scoop on Vitamin D

“If I had to choose a single nutrient that would help you ward off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, dementia, influenza, bacterial infections, depression, insomnia, muscle weaknesses, fibromyalgia, osteomalacia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and hypertension, it would be vitamin D” – Dr.

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5 Myths About Food

Inaccurate information. Old wives’ tales. Plum stupid. Here are five myths about the health benefits [or not] of foods. Fruit Juice is a Healthy Choice What better way to start the day than with a glass of freshly poured orange juice? There are many. Fruit

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