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The Skinny on Fats

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Essential fatty acids [EFAs] are essential because the body cannot synthesise them — they must be provided from the foods we eat. Omega-3 and omega-6 are the two EFAs. Contrary to popular belief, omega-9 is not an EFA. All three omegas are Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids [PUFAs].

Omega-3 has a beneficial effect on the body. It is anti-inflammatory. It reduces blood clotting and decreases cellular proliferation. It has a tremendous effect on cellular membranes and plays an important role as a building block to the hormones that control our immune functions.

Omega-6 has many of the opposite effects. It is pro-inflammatory. It promotes blood clotting and causes cellular proliferation. And it stockpiles body fat.

Omega-3 is very much the good guy in the world of fats.

The ideal ratio of dietary consumption of EFAs is 1:1 [omega-3:omega-6]. Three generations ago, that ratio was more like 1:4. Today’s modern western diet provides a ratio of 1:15, some people even as high as 1:25. Way out of whack!

Why the change? It’s follow the money time again.

Cows once roamed pastures and fed on grass which is high in omega-3. With today’s modern farming practices, a cow’s diet is predominantly grain–based: corn [almost guaranteed GMO to boot], soy, and wheat. These grains are much cheaper than maintaining pastures, have virtually no omega-3, and are chocked full of omega-6.

Grain fed cattle and chickens fuel the grain farming industry — at the expense of your health. The high profit and incredibly unhealthy vegetable oils [corn, soy, and canola] used in household kitchens, restaurants, and food manufacturers further adds to your EFA imbalance.

Where dairy products and meats were rich in omega-3 fifty years ago, today they are void of omega-3 and omega-6 rich. This unbalanced ratio may explain the increase today in asthma, coronary heart disease, autoimmune & neurodegenerative disorders, obesity, and some forms of cancer. After all, this is likely the largest change in dietary balance seen in the past 50 years.

The skinny on fats — omega-3 is the ‘essential’ essential fatty acid for your diet. Consume it every day.

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