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Tag Archives: rda

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More Brainwashing Courtesy of the Experts

It really is non-stop. No matter where you turn, there are government agency buffoons doing their best to dump their ignorance on the general public. Our local Leisure Guide was distributed around the city today. It lists the public recreational and leisure activities available to

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Does Your Nutritional Supplement Cut It?

Y ou stand in Wal-Mart or your favourite health food store, staring at a massive selection of bottles and labels of all different shapes and sizes. How can you possibly make the right choice? You know you want a multi-vitamin/mineral or some vitamin C to

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RDA: Ridiculous Dietary Allowances

During WWII, the US government was concerned troops might suffer nutritional deficiencies due to food rationing. A committee established a set of guidelines for certain nutrients to ensure “superior nutrition” for citizens and military personnel, most who were on rations. In essence, these guidelines were

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