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Longevity: Getting into the Blue Zone

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The average lifespan for an America born today is 78.93 years. Why is it then, so many people expire before this, yet others in a Blue Zone live into triple digits?

The Blue Zone is a term used for geographical areas where demographics show extraordinary numbers of people living into their 100’s. There are five parts of the world where this happens in an unusually high proportion of the population:  Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece; and among the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California.

Studies have been done as to why longevity is so high in these regions. There are characteristics shared by people here that give us clues to a long, healthy life, free of disease:

  • Family is sacred and treasured
  • Social engagement is high, with people actively engaged in their community
  • Smoking rarely happens
  • Plant-based diets are the norm
  • Moderate physical activity is a life-long habit

Blue Zone Longevity

Community and Rituals

What is interesting in these lists is the importance of social interaction and community. In most of these Blue Zone areas, people live within walking distance of their friends, families, and meeting places. Daily rituals are sacred, be it mediation, napping, happy hours, or religion. It’s not just diet and nutrition that are important to our long-term health. Nourishment of the soul is critical.

The good news is only 20% of your longevity is determined by genetic make-up. If you have a family history of cancer or heart disease, your fate is not predetermined. Your lifestyle choices and environment can have a dramatic effect on not only longevity, but your quality of life. 

I have the good fortune of having had a centenarian in my life. My wife’s grandmother passed a few years ago at 104. Not surprisingly, she fit much of the above longevity profile. She had eighteen children (yes, 18!), my mother-in-law the eldest. All are still alive, most lived near her. She saw many of her kids every day. Family and her faith were everything to her. It was amazing to see her still going strong, both physically and mentally well past the century mark.

Look at the above lists. All these Blue Zone characteristics are habits you can acquire by making a choice—by deciding that these will become part of your daily life.

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